FAQ - More than 100 questions and answers
On this page you find numerous questions with answers, which the visitors of our website ask us again and again. This page is maintained and extended permanently, since the questions of our visotors never end.
- Is the scan technology sufficient for archiving slides?
- Can I wait for another 10 years until I digitize my slides?
- Is the digitalization of slides and negatives a simple matter?
- What can be scanned better, positives or negatives?
- How can negatives be scanned best?
- Does a film scanner make positives from negative films?
- Why takes scanning negatives more time than scanning slides?
- My slide scans are too dark. What can be the reason for that?
- How long are data safe on CDs or DVDs?
- How much main memory is necessary for processing high resolution scans?
- Does a very good SLR reach the imge quality of a very good film scanner?
- How many pixels are contained on a 35mm film?
- PC requirements for the use of a film scanner
- Should mounted slides be better in glass or plastic frames?
- Is the image quality at glass framed slides worse than at plastic frames?
- Is it worth reframing slides from glass to plastic frames?
- Why does a JPG file become smaller if a multiple scan is done?
- What is better, to make the image editing before or after scanning?
General questions
- What is the difference between DVD+R and DVD-R?
- Do Video-DVDs have a regional code?
- In which resolution are videos and films digitized?
- Can I rework digitized films and videos?
- What can be done at image interferences?
Video formats and file formats
- Which file format is the best for me?
- Why can't I open MPEG2-files on my Mac?
- What is the reason for an error message when transferring AVI-files to an external hard drive?
- What is the difference between MPEG 1, 2, 3 and 4?
- How many minutes can a Video-DVD contain?
- Which file size does an uncompressed video have?
Digitalization of film rolls
- How many Super8-films can be copied to a Video-DVD?
- Can I digitize substandard films with a flatbed scanner or film them from a screen?
- Is there a specific scanner for digitizing substandard films?
- Can a hot sot occur at the digitalization of films?
- How many minutes of film does a film roll contain?
- Are Super8-films suitable for Full-HD televisions?
- What is the difference between Super8 and Normal8?
- How can I find out if there is a sound track or not?
- How can molded films be recognized and avoided?
- How can Double8-films be digitized?
- Are Super8 films worse than VHS cassettes?
- Which extras do make sense at the digitalization of my films?
Digitalization of video tapes
- Why should you digize your video cassettes?
- What can be done in case of a tape jam?
- What is the difference between Video8 and Hi8?
- What kind of format is Digital8?
- What do the television standards PAL, NTSC and SECAM mean?
- On my video tape there are black interferences at the edges of some objects. Can they be removed by the digitalization?
- My video recorder does not show a picture when playing a cassette. Can it be digitized any way?
- My videos have a PCM sound track added subsequently. Can it be digitized also?
- Why is a digitized video completely dark although it was normal when playing with my video recorder?
Information about the new SilverFast version 8
- Which features are new in the version 8?
- Which version variants are there in version 8?
- Which scanner models is the version 8 available for?
- What does it cost to upgrade to version 8?
SilverFast Versions, Licences, Updates
- Which advantage offers SilverFast in comparison to current scan-softwares?
- Which advantage does the SilverFast Ai Studio version offer in comparison to the SE Version?
- Which advantage does SilverFast HDR offer?
- Which advantage does the SilverFast archive suite offer?
- For which scanner models is SilverFast available?
- Why does the price for SilverFast differ from scanner to scanner?
- Is the SilverFast-licence applicable to several scanners?
- Can two SilverFast-versions be installed simultaneously on one PC?
- Where are the SilverFast updates available and how much do they cost?
- Are there SilverFast upgrades from one to another scanner?
- Is the SilverFast 8 delivered with a good user manual?
- Is it possible to test SilverFast 8 befor purchasing?
Image Quality with SilverFast
- Examples of the increasing image quality by SilverFast
- Which kind of quality increase does MultiExposure provide?
- Which kind of quality increase does IT-8 calibration provide?
- What are the advantages of the NegaFix dialogue scanning negatives?
- Where is the multiple scan function at SilverFast 8?
IT-8 Colour Calibration
- Which advantage does the IT-8 colour calibration offer?
- How is the IT-8 colour calibration accomplished in practice?
- How often should the IT-8 calibration be accomplished in a scanner?
- Where are the reference files for IT-8 targets of SilverFast available?
- Problem: SilverFast cannot find any Reference Data File
- Which IT-8 Target should be chosen, Kodak or Fuji?
- Are there IT-8 targets for Kodachrome-films available?
- How is it possible to recognize the type of film of an IT-8 target?
- How long does an IT-8 target keep its original quality?
- How are the profiles of different IT-8 targets handled?
- Why does the IT-8 calibration not provide a noticeable quality increase?
IT-8 calibration with advanced IT-8 Targets
- What are advanced IT-8 targets?
- Which film types are available at the advanced targets?
- What are the advantages of the advanced IT-8 targets compared to the old IT-8 targets?
- What are the disadvantages of the advanced IT-8 targets compared to the old IT-8 targets?
- Which SilverFast version is neccessary in order to user advanced IT-8 targets?
- Where das SilverFast Ai know from if a standard target or an advanced target is used for calibration?
- Why is indicated after the calibration that less colour fields have been used?
- What is the Delta E value?
Dust - and Scratches Corrector SRD, iSRD, ICE
- Is the dust- and scratches remover SRD of SilverFast equal to ICE?
- What is the difference between SRD and iSRD? The dust removal?
- Is there any difference between the dust and scratch correction procedure ICE and iSRD?
Printer Profiling with SilverFast Profiler at Version 6.6
- Which conditions are necessary for the printer profiling of SilverFast?
- Is the printer profiling of SilverFast possible with all kinds of printers?
- Can the printer calibration of SilverFast replace a spectral photometer?
Questions about Silverfast HDR (High Dynamic Range)
- Who needs SilverFast-HDR?
- Is SilverFast HDR an independent software?
- Is it possible to scan with SilverFast-HDR both proceedings and split the image creation?
- Can SilverFast HDR proceed fully automatically?
- What is HDRi 64Bit?
Questions about SilverFast DCPro
- What are the main functions of SilverFast-DCPro?
- Is SilverFast DCPro an independent software?
- How does the camera profiling work with SilverFast DCPro?
- To what extent can SilverFast DCPro automatise the procedures?
- Which advantages does the SilverFast DCPro offer compared to the other RAW-converters?
- Can older raw files also be elaborated with SilverFast DCPro?
- Is SilverFast DCPro also applicable on JPG-files
Other Topics About SilverFast
- Details about the installation of SilverFast
- What to do if my scanner is not detected by SilverFast on my Windows 64Bit system?
- SilverFast finds my scanner but cannot access its driver
- SilverFast 8 cannot find my Nikon Scanner on my Windows computer
- My scanner was not found on my Mac OSX system
- In which languages is SilverFast available?
- Access to the SilverFast Service Dialog
- Are there trainings in SilverFast available?
- How can I reset the configurations of SilverFast?
- Which film scanners can process complete film rolls?
- Which film scanners are suitable to scan Kodachrome films?
- Are there flipping problems at film scanners?
- Which disadvantage does a glass holder have at scanning films?
- What is the advantage of a film scanner over a flatbed scanner with transparency unit?
- Error message at USB 2.0 connection
- Why is a film scanner not found by the PC?
- Can a film scanner be connected via an USB hub?
- Important notes for the installation of a film scanner
- Why has Nikon given up the production of its filmscanners?
- Are there still any accessories for the Nikon-scanner available on the market?
- Are there equal successors on the market?
- What does one have to consider by purchasing some used Nikon devices?
- Does NikonScan 4 run under Windows Vista?
- Does NikonScan 4 run under Windows 7/8/10?
- Is it possible to connect a slide feeder to a Nikon CoolScan V?
- Which feeder models are compatible with which filmscanner models?
- How is it possible to scan complete film reels?
- How is it possible to scan with NikonScan a full film strip or a complete APS film reel?
- Is it possible to scan 35mm panorama pictures with a Nikon filmscanner?
- Can Nikon 9000 digitalize some middle formats sized 6x12 cm and longer?
- Can the scan-software of Nikon elaborate ICC-profiles?
- How can individual ICC input-profiles used with NikonScan?
- Can NikonScan embed colour profiles into the image files?
- How is the consumption of electricity of a Nikon-scanner?
- During the work with the feeder, the slides are fed digonally. Is there a solution to this problem?
- During the operation with the slide feeder, the filmscanner of Nikon jams
- Problem: CS-frames get stucked in the Nikon slide-feeder
- Error message: NikonScan has detected a problem and has to be shut down.
- Can framed negatives be digitalized with a Nikon-scanner?
- Why is the edge area of a negative-scan white at the upper side?
- How long does a DigitDia work?
- How can the life of a DigitDia be prolonged?
- How is it possible to get the best possible image quality with a Reflecta DigitDia?
- What has to be considered at the purchase of a Reflecta DigitDia?
- Position of the orange-coloured adapter at the slider for the universal magazine
- In the batch scan mode of SilverFast only the first picture is scanned
- Where do I find the newest CyberView version?
- Problem with the image quality: there are strips on the image. What should be done?
- What is the difference between Scan-Software and Firmware?
- Where does one get the newest SilverFast-Software?
- Where does one get the newest Firmware?
- How is a Firmware-Update accomplished?
- Which advantages does the SilverFast Scan-Software offer?
- My DigitDia is damaged. What can I do?
- Is there no guarantee card for the reflecta DigitDia?
- How can the unsharpness of the strongly curved slides be treated?
- Can the dust and scratch removal (ICE) also be applied in black/white images?
- Is there a "plop" during the scanning with the DigitDia as it is the case with the slide projector?
- Problem: during the scanning of CS-Magazines, the slides repeatedely get stucked in the drawer
- Test Report Reflecta DigitDia
- How does the RPS 7200 differ from the RPS 10M?
- Which advantages does the RPS 10M have compared to the CrystalScan 7200 or the ProScan 10T?
- In what does the RPS 7200 differ from the RPS 3600?
- Which advantages does the SilverFast Scan-Software offer?
- Is the RPS 10M able to scan framed slides in the batch modus?
- Is the RPS 10M able to scan complete film strips at once?
- Is the RPS 10M able to scan complete film rolls at once?
- Is the RPS 10M able to process film rools of any length?
- Is it possible to digitalize APS films with the RPS 10M?
- Up to which frame thickness can the slide frames be processed?
- Why does the automatic image border offset not work correctly?
- By scanning some negatives, does one get positives?
- Is it possible to digitalize Kodachromes with the RPS 10M?
- How does one activate the dust and scratches removal function in SilverFast 6?
- How does one activate the dust and scratches removal function in SilverFast 8?
- How can the dust and scratch removal function be activated within CyberView?
- Can the dust and scratch removal (ICE) also be applied to black/white images?
- Can the highest effective resolution only be achieved with the maximum resolution of 7200 dpi at the RPS 7200?
- Can the highest effective resolution only be achieved with the maximum resolution of 10000 dpi at the RPS 10M?
- What is the difference between Scan-Software and Firmware?
- What is the advantage of updating the Firmware?
- Where does one get the newest Firmware?
- Where do I find the newest CyberView version?
- Where does one get the newest software of SilverFast?
- How is a Firmware-Update accomplished?
- There are strips on the image. What should be done?
- My RPS is damaged. What should be done?
- Is there no warranty card for the RPS 7200 / RPS 10T?
- How does the manufacturer limit the warranty in terms of scan nomber?
- How can I read out the counter of the reflecta RPS 10M?
Copyright: Patrick Wagner, Fa. ScanDig